Stunning bright butterfly playmat

Spend a superb summers day in the park with your baby giggling and reaching for a butterfly is this beautiful, soft and vibrant quilted playmat. Your baby’s tummy time can be fun and stimulating whilst the adults chat and picnic without having to entertain your baby constantly.

This playmat is a good size: dimensions – H90 x W70cm and made in the UK from 100% Cotton, wadding and water resistant base lining.

Visit The Travelling Souk for baby and toddler gift ideas

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Join us for a night of dancing

” I teach Tango, I organise Tango, I write about Tango, I DJ… I really love it…”  is what Melina Sedo had to say when John chatted to her …. after an exciting completely sold out weekend of workshops with Detlef and Melina in April.

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Read what Melina has to say about being a dancer in response to Johns question as follows “I have heard you say that you don’t consider yourself to be a “dancer”.  This might be surprising for the people that took your workshops or who watched the demo on Saturday night”.

“First and foremost let me thank you for organizing such a great event. It is always a pleasure to come to a new place and I think we managed to connect nicely to the local dancers. I know that our concepts cannot speak to everyone, but the Cambridge Tangueros worked very intensively during the classes. I hope that they appreciated our ideas.

As for being a dancer…. Well, “A DANCER” is such a huge word. Actually I am a little bit intimidated by it. I have been dancing all my life: classical dance, modern dance, ballroom dances, Rock’n Roll, Flamenco… but I was never trained as a professional dancer and I never aspired to do so. Well, for a short period as a teen maybe. But then I noticed, that I was neither talented, nor dedicated enough to become a professional. To do so, you have to work very hard and give up everything else. I had and still have got so many other interests… I could never have given them up, to work all day on my pointe (or now boleo) technique. A dancer has to strive for perfection in his/her dance – I never had the time or aspiration to do that. In Tango, I try to apply our principles of communication and movement as good as possible, but when I dance, my biggest attention goes to the connection to the partner, the embrace and to the music. Being elegant, perfect or virtuous come in second for me. A DANCER for me is someone who had a professional training as a dancer and – there comes my next argument – spends most of his time, dancing, practicing, performing…” Click here for information about Tango in Cambridge

South London Refurbishments

Company Review

With summer almost here we felt our home needed some attention and we needed a change; however, with our growing family the budget was tight.

We had a superb redecorating job done of our home by South London Refurbishments; they gave us great advice as we struggled to choose the colour scheme whilst being mindful of the tight budget.

The next project they are about to start is Loft Conversions South London. See what areas they cover in the South of London.

d’hébergements à Londres

Chaque année, des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs se rendent dans cette capitale rayonnante, qui est particulièrement appréciée par les citoyens des pays européens voisins, tels que la France et la Belgique (selon VisitBritain, le nombre de visiteurs français a augmenté de 2 % en 2012 par rapport à l’année précédente). Toutefois, l’organisation de vacances décourage de nombreux touristes, notamment en raison des prix élevés des hôtels et de  l’hébergement à Londres.

Une nouvelle tendance d’hébergement alternatif, les locations de vacances et location londres vacances est de plus en plus prisée avec un coût presque 50 % moins élevé que l’hébergement dans un hôtel. Les choix sont variés, des maisons et appartements meublés selon des exigences strictes aux location de vacances à londres à bas coût. Pour les personnes à la recherche de la commodité, du confort et d’appartements réputés, Holiday Lets London ( figure assurément parmi les premiers de la liste d’hébergements à Londres et location vacances à londres

Fun bright bengo belt

Clothing Accessories

Fabulous, colourful and fun Bright Belt is a wardrobe must have perfect for everyone both male and female. Hand woven in bright colours made from cotton and leather will complete any outfit you are wearing.Image 2

Whether its smart, trendy or casual this belt is timeless, making it a fantastic gift to give.

Bengo Belts is a vendor on The Travelling Souk where you can find original giftsexclusive giftsunusual baby gifts, personalised wedding gifts and unique baby gifts!

Squibbs of London property maintenance specialists


No fuss, no bother when it comes to Squibbs of London, they get stuck in and do any jobs around the home with their handyman services London. With our busy working hours and hectic family life we often don’t find time to get things done around the home.

Sometimes it requires us to call in the experts in property maintenance London so they can get the job done.

Contact Squibbs of London for one of their dedicated staff to assist you with any problem around the home.

Pretty embroidered food covers

Gift Ideas

Every family needs these useful and pretty food covers. Not just the usual food covers these are decorated with embroidery making them look stylish on your party table. They are so versatile you can use them any time of the year. Image 2

I Have To Have It is a vendor on The Travelling Souk where you can find unique gifts, original gifts, exclusive gifts, unusual baby gifts, personalised wedding gifts and unique baby gifts!

Everything beautiful begins with a b…..

Gourmet Food

Baguette, bagels and Bleu de Gex….. simple  pleasures in life. Try this relatively mild creamy blue cheese with distinct marbling of very dark greenish-blue veins common notorious for blue cheese lovers. A definitive sharp fruit and nutty flavour make this blue cheese all the more delectable.

Visit at The Travelling Souk for gourmet gift ideas and food lovers gifts. Bleu de Gex cheese